安妮特格尔斯滕贝(Annette Gerstenberg),德国波茨坦大学教授,同济大学老龄语言与看护研究中心客座研究员,主要从事老年语言学、全龄周期语用学研究等;是国际老年语言学大会(CLARe)创始人之一,国际老年语言学期刊Journal of Language and Aging Research创刊人之一,具有丰富的老年人语料库建设经验。
Annette Gerstenberg has been a full professor of Romance Linguistics at University of Potsdam since 2017, and visiting research professor for the Research Center for Ageing, Language and Care at Tongji University. She was a co-founder of the network Conferences for Language and Aging Research (CLARe, since 2015) in 2015, and of Journal of Language and Aging Research (JLAR, since 2023). Her research in the field of Language and Aging Research builds on the interview collection LangAge corpora, started in 2005 and extended to a panel study until 2023.