倪晓姗,同济大学老龄语言与看护研究中心兼职研究员,同济大学与亚琛工业大学联合培养博士,现任上海理工大学外语学院讲师、硕士生导师。研究兴趣为德国与欧洲问题、话语分析等,近年来从事德国老龄化问题等老龄国别研究,在A & HCI、CSSCI等核心期刊发表学术论文数篇,多篇内参获得国家级、省级采用,国内主流媒体约稿十余篇。近年来主持的科研项目包括:2022年洪堡-德国总理奖学金“家庭友好型社会作为积极应对老龄化的对策”、2021年中国老龄协会老龄政策理论研究课题“欧盟及其成员国积极应对人口老龄化的新动向、挑战和经验借鉴研究”等。
Dr. NI Xiaoshan is a part-time researcher at the Research Center for Ageing, Language and Care at Tongji University and is currently a lecturer and a master student’s supervisor at School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai University for Science and Technology. She receives her Ph.D. in Foreign Languages and Literatures from Tongji University and RWTH Aachen University in Germany. She has published several papers in the A & HCI and CSSCI indexed journals and Chinese mainstream media, and her policy reports have been adopted by governments at different levels. In recent years, she has chaired the following research projects: the 2022 Humboldt-German Chancellor's Scholarship on “Family-friendly Society as a Countermeasure to Active Ageing”, the 2021 China National Committee on Ageing “New Trends, Challenges and Experiences of the European Union and its Member States in Active Response to Population Ageing”, etc.
Email: xiaoshan90620@163.com